Tag: mosaics

Battistero Neoniano

Quando Jung aveva le traveggole


L’absidiola alla destra di chi entra riporta un passo del vangelo di Matteo dove si ricorda il gesto di Gesù che salva Pietro.

Croce gemmata

Temi di iconografia cristiana


Temi di iconografia cristiana intende fornire le basi per una riflessione sull’arte cristiana intesa come espressione della fede della Chiesa.


An unprecedented journey in discovery of Saint Apollinaris in the collections of the Archiepiscopal Museum of Ravenna

The Archiepiscopal Museum of Ravenna constitutes an important cultural institution of the city. Its origins are deeply connected with the history of the ancient Basilica of Ursus which was rebuilt in the seventeen thirties.

S. John

The apostles in 5th and 6th century a.d. monuments in Ravenna

Apostles are constantly presentin 5th and 6th century A.D. monuments in Ravenna. They are portrayed either full-length or half-length inside precious clipei. Identified, at times, by their name, they might either have a halo behind the head or a crown of glory in the hand. Some of them,
like Peter and his brother Andrew, John and Paul, can be recognised by the particular iconographic features that characterised them already from the 3rd-4th centuries A.D.